Lord Emperor

TypeItem detailsGenerator
010SwordShort Sword
040SwordSword of Assassin
080SwordSerpent Sword
0190SwordSword of Archangel
100AxeSmall Axe
110AxeHand Axe
120AxeDouble Axe
140AxeElven Axe
200Mace & ScepterMace
210Mace & ScepterMorning Star
220Mace & ScepterFlail
280Mace & ScepterBattle Scepter
290Mace & ScepterMaster Scepter
2100Mace & ScepterGreat Scepter
2110Mace & ScepterLord Scepter
2120Mace & ScepterGreat Lord Scepter
2130Mace & ScepterScepter of Archangel
2140Mace & ScepterSolay Scepter
2150Mace & ScepterShining Scepter
2170Mace & ScepterAbsolute Scepter
600ShieldSmall Shield
610ShieldHorn Shield
620ShieldKite Shield
650ShieldDragon Slayer Shield
660ShieldSkull Shield
670ShieldSpike Shield
680ShieldTower Shield
690ShieldPlate Shield
6100ShieldLarge Round Shield
6110ShieldSerpent Shield
700HelmBronze Helm
750HelmLeather Helm
760HelmScale Helm
7250HelmLight Plate Helm
7260HelmAdamantine Helm
7270HelmDark Steel Helm
7280HelmDark Master Helm
7330HelmSunlight Helm
7380HelmGlorious Helm
7510HelmPhaewang Mask
800ArmorBronze Armor
850ArmorLeather Armor
860ArmorScale Armor
8250ArmorLight Plate Armor
8260ArmorAdamantine Armor
8270ArmorDark Steel Armor
8280ArmorDark Master Armor
8330ArmorSunlight Armor
8380ArmorGlorious Armor
8510ArmorPhaewang Armor
900PantsBronze Pants
950PantsLeather Pants
960PantsScale Pants
9250PantsLight Plate Pants
9260PantsAdamantine Pants
9270PantsDark Steel Pants
9280PantsDark Master Pants
9330PantsSunlight Pants
9380PantsGlorious Pants
9510PantsPhaewang Pants
1000GlovesBronze Gloves
1050GlovesLeather Gloves
1060GlovesScale Gloves
10250GlovesLight Plate Gloves
10260GlovesAdamantine GLoves
10270GlovesDark Steel Gloves
10280GlovesDark Master Gloves
10330GlovesSunlight Gloves
10380GlovesGlorious Gloves
10510GlovesPhaewang Gloves
1100BootsBronze Boots
1150BootsLeather Boots
1160BootsScale Boots
11250BootsLight Plate Boots
11260BootsAdamantine Boots
11270BootsDark Steel Boots
11280BootsDark Master Boots
11330BootsSunlight Boots
11380BootsGlorious Boots
11510BootsPhaewang Boots
12150Wing/OrbJewel of Chaos
12220Wing/OrbScroll of Summon
12230Wing/OrbScroll of Critical Damage
12240Wing/OrbScroll of Elect Spark
12260Wing/OrbJewel of Secret
12261Wing/OrbRed Crystal
12262Wing/OrbBlue Crystal
12263Wing/OrbDarck Crystal
12264Wing/OrbBox Of Treasure
12265Wing/OrbBox Of Surprise
12300Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Bless 10
12301Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Bless 20
12302Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Bless 30
12310Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Soul 10
12311Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Soul 20
12312Wing/OrbBundled Jewel of Soul 30
12320Wing/OrbRed Ribbon Box
12330Wing/OrbBlue Ribbon Box
12340Wing/OrbGreen Ribbon Box
12350Wing/OrbScroll of Fire Scream
12400Wing/OrbMantle of Monarch
12480Wing/OrbScroll Of Birds
12600Wing/OrbSeed of Fire
12610Wing/OrbSeed Water
12620Wing/OrbSeed Ice
12630Wing/OrbSeed Wind
12640Wing/OrbSeed Lighting
12650Wing/OrbSeed Ground
12700Wing/OrbSpear 1
12710Wing/OrbSpear 2
12720Wing/OrbSpear 3
12730Wing/OrbSpear 4
12740Wing/OrbSpear 5
121000Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Fire
121010Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Water
121020Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Ice
121030Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Wind
121040Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Lighting
121050Wing/OrbSeed Spear 1 of Ground
121060Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Fire
121070Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Water
121080Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Ice
121090Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Wind
121100Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Lighting
121110Wing/OrbSeed Spear 2 Ground
121120Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Fire
121130Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Water
121140Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Ice
121150Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Wind
121160Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Lighting
121170Wing/OrbSeed Spear 3 Ground
121180Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Fire
121190Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Water
121200Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Ice
121210Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Wind
121220Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Lighting
121230Wing/OrbSeed Spear 4 Ground
121240Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Fire
121250Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Water
121260Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Ice
121270Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Wind
121280Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Lighting
121290Wing/OrbSeed Spear 5 Ground
1300MISCGuardian Angel
1320MISCHorn of Uniria
1340MISCDark Horse
1350MISCDark Raven
1380MISCRing of Ice
1390MISCRing of Poison
13100MISCRing of Transform in Dragonin
13101MISCRing of Transform in Gigant
13102MISCRing of Transform in Skeleton
13103MISCRing of Transform in Bull
13104MISCRing of Transform in Linch
13105MISCRing of Transform in Death Cow
13110MISCScroll of guardian
13111MISCLife Stone
13120MISCPendant of Lighting
13130MISCPendant of Fire
13140MISCLochs Feather
13141MISCCrest Of Monarch
13150MISCEnergy Fruit
13151MISCStamina Fruit
13152MISCAgility Fruit
13153MISCStrangth Fruit
13154MISCCommand Fruit
13160MISCScroll of Archangel
13161MISCScroll of Archangel 1
13162MISCScroll of Archangel 2
13163MISCScroll of Archangel 3
13164MISCScroll of Archangel 4
13165MISCScroll of Archangel 5
13166MISCScroll of Archangel 6
13167MISCScroll of Archangel 7
13168MISCScroll of Archangel 8
13169MISCScroll of Archangel 9
13170MISCBlood Bone
13171MISCBlood Bone 1
13172MISCBlood Bone 2
13173MISCBlood Bone 3
13174MISCBlood Bone 4
13175MISCBlood Bone 5
13176MISCBlood Bone 6
13177MISCBlood Bone 7
13178MISCBlood Bone 8
13179MISCBlood Bone 9
13180MISCInvisibility Cloak
13181MISCInvisibility Cloak 1
13182MISCInvisibility Cloak 2
13183MISCInvisibility Cloak 3
13184MISCInvisibility Cloak 4
13185MISCInvisibility Cloak 5
13186MISCInvisibility Cloak 6
13187MISCInvisibility Cloak 7
13188MISCInvisibility Cloak 8
13189MISCInvisibility Cloak 9
13190MISCDivine Staf of Archangel
13191MISCDivine Sword of Archangel
13192MISCDivine CrossBow of Archangel
13200MISCWizards Ring
13201MISCRing of Warrior lvl 40
13202MISCRing of Warrior lvl 80
13203MISCRing of Honor
13210MISCRing of Fire
13220MISCRing of Earth
13230MISCRing of Wind
13240MISCRing of Magic
13250MISCPendant of Ice
13260MISCPendant of Wind
13270MISCPendant of Water
13280MISCPendant of Ability
13290MISCArmor of Guardman
13300MISCCape of Lord
13310MISCDark Horse Spirit
13320MISCSplinter of Armor
13321MISCSplinter of Armor 2
13322MISCSplinter of Armor 3
13323MISCSplinter of Armor 4
13324MISCSplinter of Armor 5
13325MISCSplinter of Armor 7
13326MISCSplinter of Armor 9
13327MISCSplinter of Armor 11
13328MISCSplinter of Armor 13
13329MISCSplinter of Armor 15
133210MISCSplinter of Armor 18
13330MISCBless of Guardian
13331MISCBless of Guardian 2
13332MISCBless of Guardian 3
13333MISCBless of Guardian 4
13334MISCBless of Guardian 5
13335MISCBless of Guardian 7
13336MISCBless of Guardian 9
13337MISCBless of Guardian 11
13338MISCBless of Guardian 13
13339MISCBless of Guardian 15
133310MISCBless of Guardian 18
13340MISCClaw of Beast
13341MISCClaw of Beast 2
13342MISCClaw of Beast 3
13343MISCClaw of Beast 4
13344MISCClaw of Beast 5
13345MISCClaw of Beast 7
13346MISCClaw of Beast 9
13347MISCClaw of Beast 11
13348MISCClaw of Beast 13
13349MISCClaw of Beast 15
133410MISCClaw of Beast 18
13350MISCPiece of Horn
13360MISCBroken Horn
13370MISCRed Fenrir
13371MISCBlack Fenrir
13372MISCBlue Fenrir
13380MISCMoonStone Ring
13390MISCRing 1
13400MISCRing 2
13410MISCChristmas turkey Ring
13420MISCGM Ring
13430MISCGreen Symbol
13440MISCPink Symbol
13450MISCYellow Symbol
13490MISCIllusion Pergament
13491MISCIllusion Pergament 1
13492MISCIllusion Pergament 2
13493MISCIllusion Pergament 3
13494MISCIllusion Pergament 4
13495MISCIllusion Pergament 5
13496MISCIllusion Pergament 6
13497MISCIllusion Pergament 7
13500MISCIllusion Blood
13501MISCIllusion Blood 1
13502MISCIllusion Blood 2
13503MISCIllusion Blood 3
13504MISCIllusion Blood 4
13505MISCIllusion Blood 5
13506MISCIllusion Blood 6
13507MISCIllusion Blood 7
13510MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket
13511MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 1
13512MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 2
13513MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 3
13514MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 4
13515MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 5
13516MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 6
13517MISCIllusion Entrance Ticket 7
13520MISCFlame of Condor
13530MISCFeather of Condor
13660MISCMountain Village Invitation
13680MISCSnowMan Ring
1410MISCSmall Healing Potion
1420MISCMedium Healing Potion
1430MISCLarge Healing Potion
1440MISCSmall Mana Potion
1450MISCMedium Mana Potion
1460MISCLarge Mana Potion
1470MISCPotion Of Bles
1471MISCPotion Of Soul
1491MISCOlive of love
14100MISCTown Scroll Portal
14110MISCBox of Luck
14111MISCStar of Sacred Birth
14113MISCHeart of Love
14115MISCSilver Medal
14116MISCGold Medal
14117MISCBok of Heaven
14118MISCBok of Kundun+1
14119MISCBok of Kundun+2
141110MISCBok of Kundun+3
141111MISCBok of Kundun+4
141112MISCBok of Kundun+5
141113MISCHeart of Dark Lord
141114MISCBlue Luck Pouch
141115MISCRed Luck Pouch
14120MISCSing Of Zen
14130MISCJewel of Bless
14140MISCJewel of Soul
14160MISCJewel of Life
14170MISCDevil Eye
14171MISCDevil Eye 1
14172MISCDevil Eye 2
14173MISCDevil Eye 3
14174MISCDevil Eye 4
14175MISCDevil Eye 5
14176MISCDevil Eye 6
14177MISCDevil Eye 7
14180MISCDevil Key
14181MISCDevil Key 1
14182MISCDevil Key 2
14183MISCDevil Key 3
14184MISCDevil Key 4
14185MISCDevil Key 5
14186MISCDevil Key 6
14187MISCDevil Key 7
14190MISCDevil Invitation
14191MISCDevil Invitation 1
14192MISCDevil Invitation 2
14193MISCDevil Invitation 3
14194MISCDevil Invitation 4
14195MISCDevil Invitation 5
14196MISCDevil Invitation 6
14197MISCDevil Invitation 7
14200MISCRemedy of Love
14213MISCSing Of Lord
14220MISCJewel of Creation
14230MISCScroll of Emperor
14231MISCRing Of Honor
14270MISCAncient Metal
14280MISCLost Map
14281MISCLost Map 1
14282MISCLost Map 2
14283MISCLost Map 3
14284MISCLost Map 4
14285MISCLost Map 5
14286MISCLost Map 6
14287MISCLost Map 7
14290MISCSymbol of Kundun
14291MISCSymbol of Kundun 1
14292MISCSymbol of Kundun 2
14293MISCSymbol of Kundun 3
14294MISCSymbol of Kundun 4
14295MISCSymbol of Kundun 5
14296MISCSymbol of Kundun 6
14297MISCSymbol of Kundun 7
14310MISCJewel of Guardian
14320MISCPink Chocolate Box
14321MISCLilac Chocolate Box
14330MISCRed Chocolate Box
14331MISCOrange Chocolate Box
14340MISCBlue Chocolate Box
14341MISCNavy Chocolate Box
14350MISCSmall SD Potion
14360MISCMedium SD Potion
14370MISCLarge SD Potion
14380MISCSmall AG Potion
14390MISCMedium AG Potion
14400MISCLarge AG Potion
14420MISCJewel of Harmony
14430MISCLower Refining Stone
14440MISCHigher Refining Stone
14450MISCHalloween PumpKin
14460MISCHallwoeen Event Scroll 1
14470MISCHalloween Event Scroll 2
14480MISCHalloween Event Scroll 3
14490MISCHalloween Event Strange Item
14500MISCHaloween Event Pumpkin
14510MISCSky Event Ticket
14511MISCSky Event Ticket 1
14512MISCSky Event Ticket 2
14513MISCSky Event Ticket 3
14514MISCSky Event Ticket 4
14515MISCSky Event Ticket 5
14516MISCSky Event Ticket 6
14517MISCSky Event Ticket 7
14518MISCSky Event Ticket 8
14519MISCSky Event Ticket 9
145215MISCGM Box
14550MISCGreen Chaos Box
14560MISCRed Chaos Box
14570MISCPurple Chaos Box
14630MISCNot Apear Item
14640MISCStrange Item
14650MISCFlame of Death Beam Knight
14660MISCHorn of Hell Maine
14670MISCFeather of Phoenix of Darkness
14840MISCCherry Blossoms Box
14850MISCCherry Blossoms Alcoholic Beve
14860MISCCherry Blossoms Dumpling
14870MISCCherry Blossoms Petal
14880MISCWhite Cherry Blossoms
14890MISCRed Cherry Blossoms
14900MISCGolden Cherry Blossoms
14990MISCWidth Gruel 2
141000MISCEast Fortune